5 Annoying People That Can Ruin Your Business

I believe that a man's business is as important as his health, because it is where the wealth, to take care if the health comes from. Even the Bible talks about us "eating the fruit of our labour (legit labour oh)"  so you won't want someone ruin you hard labour.
I was planning to write this article myself (Lolz...was), fortunately I stumbled upon this nice piece written by Mr Ofili, it talks on every (bad belle, bad luck) persons you have to avoid in your business.
Am beginning to to talk to much again abi! Sorry, happy reading.


One of the most important keys to running a successful business is hanging around successful and positive people. Unfortunately, after 6+ years running several small businesses I have encountered 5 key and consistent traits in people that have hindered
my business progress ranging from the overtly positive to the manic
depressive. I have listed all 5 below and I hope that this article would help you identify these
individuals so that you can cut them quick and fast! So that you don’t waste as much time as I did with them.

Person #1: The Sycophant

Everything you do is great you can do no wrong in their eyes. They always provide positive feedback
even when something is clearly bad. They are normally family members and friends who don’t
want to hurt ourbfeelings…but they
hurt our businesses instead. Some of their favorite words include
“perfect” and “no issues at all.” Unfortunately too many entrepreneurs arevattracted to these individuals because of their seemingly encouraging feedback..but like wolves in sheep clothings these individuals are the greatest threat to your business. They make us feel comfortable and isolate us from the reality of our products.
I am not saying positive feedback is bad, but your greatest way for a
company to grow is through well structured and honest criticism.
Stay away from the Sycophants!

Person #2: The Vampire, Leech and Blood Sucker:

They want to get advice from you at all times of the day and drain your energy with incessant questions. But when you need their assistance or help they disappear. In biology we call that type of behaviour PARASITIC! You want to keep this people away from you and your business because their major goal is to take take and take without giving and in the end your business will
suffer! Surround yourselves with people who are willing to return
the favor…in the end this cycle of support will help grow not just your
business but their business. Stay away from blood suckers!

Person #3: The Cheap Skate

Everything is too expensive for them. If theyvare not getting it for free then it is not a deal. They are the first to disappear when a class or program requires payment. They are dangerous because their
mind set is limited to the FREE and they would limit your business growth…by poisoning you with their
self limiting thoughts. Now there is nothing wrong with doing things
for cheap in your business… but there is a limit to where FREE and
CHEAP can take you. For your business to grow you have to invest quality dollars into various
aspects of the business and by hanging around people who flinch every time you spend money will slowly freeze your business growth.

Person #4: Mr. Advise

Aptly called Mr.Advise because these individuals are normally male…this is the person that has
advice for every single idea you have! Problem is that they have never done it. And thus they would
give you advice that seems good on the surface but is terrible in reality. One of my most critical rules to live by has and always will
be…to primarily seek advice from people who have already done what I am seeking advice on!
Simple but powerful. I cannot tell you the amount of times people
have given me business advice that has ended up confusing me even more. And the one thing I
noticed was that the source of my most confusing advice came from people have never done what they are advising on. Strive to stay away from the over advice giver…they may be using your business as an
experiment. But if you have to listen to them… filter the data carefully!

If you want to go to disney world, ask someone who has been to Disney world.
Dale Wamsley

Person #5 Mr Negative

The sky is always falling in their world. Nothing you propose to them will ever work they are pessimistic about everything and discourage anything new or revolutionary. Avoid them at all costs! They would have killed the facebook idea if they have a chance
and would kill your new business idea before it even has a chance. They are the complete opposites of sycophants but are more dangerous as they can spread their negative energy into your business so much so that you begin to doubt the possible success of your business. Stay away from Mr Negative!


Thanks as always for reading. I am sure you have encountered some
of these individuals before…if you have I would like to know about
your experiences and also if there are other people out of the 5 that we need to avoid feel free to share
in the comment box below. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Stay cool… Safe

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Gay Christian? Yes! How come??

Gay Christian? is a question that is now controversial and provoking. Some people answer differently, and others simply want a reasonable answer for it.
So i decided to share this article writting by a friend Christopher B. Davis, this article is  writing for no other reason than to answer this question clearly, concisely, and biblically. Some sincere believers and seekers out there may not know the true biblical answer to this question. And so I'd like to share it.
Its a lenthy read, and its worth your time. Enjoy!

For Your Clarification
Before we go on, let's get the obvious question out the way. Does the Bible condemn homosexuality as a sin? Yes, God Himself says do not commit homosexual acts, and that it is an abomination (Heb. toebah )---that is, it is disgusting and immoral in God's eyes (Lev. 18:22 ; 20:13, cf. Rom. 1:26-32, 1 Tim. 1:9-10 ). But it is a sin no different than any other sin. Does it have different consequences in an individual's life or society? Yes, but all sin still ends in further rebellion, lawlessness, destruction, and eternal separation from God. Now, allow me to clear up a misunderstanding, one that is typically unaddressed but assumed to be the same, and that is between the concepts of "struggle" and "lifestyle". Some people may ask this question (can there be a "gay Christian"?) no differently than asking can someone be a fornicating Christian, or a Christian liar, or a prideful Christian, or a Christian addict, and so forth. This thought implies a "struggle" rather than a "lifestyle". So, someone asking this question in this context may very well be asking can there be a Christian struggling with homosexuality ("a gay Christian")? And the answer to this is...of course! The same way there can be Christians struggling with sin or carnal desires such as porn, or lying, or false teachings, or drugs and alcohol, or conceitedness, or idolatry, and so on, there can be Christians that struggle with homosexuality. "Struggling" insinuates resistance, which means in order to call it a "struggle" one has to be desiring and striving against 'said' sin/ temptation/carnal desire. On the other hand, "lifestyle" insinuates no resistance, which means one is living in 'said' sin/carnal desire (i.e. practicing it willfully/ presumptuously) with no desire to change or please God and no
disgust for the sin/carnal desire. See the difference? So before we're quick to answer anyone who asks this question about being a "gay Christian", let's be sure to get more understanding of what they mean first. They may be speaking about something different than what we assume, and we may very well answer their question wrongly and cause harm in someway.

Fruit From Which Tree?
Christians "struggle" with many things, because we're in this body of sin/sin nature (Jam. 4:1, 1 Pet. 2:11), but there will be evidence fruit in a Christian's life that they have been truly born-again as a new creation in Christ ( 2 Cor. 5:14-17, 1 Pet. 4:1-3, Matt. 3:8-10 ; 7:21-23; 12:33-37, Prov. 12:12 b). All true born-again Christians possess the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:16-17 , Rom. 8:16, 1 Cor. 6:11), and there will be evidence/fruit of the Holy Spirit in that person's life (Rom. 8:13-15 , Gal. 5:16-18, 22-25, 2 Tim. 1:7 ). If there is no evidence of the Holy Spirit (i.e. a desire for His desires, a desire to please God, the attitude that Jesus is Lord over your life, bearing His fruit, and a disgust towards sin) in a professing Christian's life, the Bible says that person is not truly saved (Rom. 8:5-9 ). You can "say" you're saved because you made "a confession of believing in Jesus' death and resurrection", but the Holy Spirit is the confirmation/the assurance of the sincerity of your salvation. So to think, believe, or profess to be born-again/a new creation in Christ, yet living/practicing a "lifestyle" of sin, and exhibiting no evidence of the Holy Spirit is a misnomer ( Eph. 4:17-24, 2 Tim. 2:19 ). It is biblically and logically incompatible, and for a person to continue to insist that this contradiction is not a contradiction but a true statement is deceived or *schizophrenic.
"4 Everyone who commits
(practices) sin is guilty of
lawlessness; for [that is what] sin
is, lawlessness (the breaking
violating of God’s law by
transgression or neglect— being unrestrained and unregulated
by His commands and His will).
5 You know that He appeared in
visible form and became Man to
take away [upon Himself] sins
and in Him there is no sin
[essentially and forever].  6 No
one who abides in Him [who
lives and remains in communion
with and in obedience to Him—
deliberately, knowingly, and
habitually] commits (practices)
sin. No one who [habitually] sins
has either seen or known Him
[recognized, perceived, or
understood Him, or has had an
experiential acquaintance with
Him].  7 Boys (lads), let no one
deceive and lead you astray. He
who practices righteousness
[who is upright, conforming to
the divine will in purpose,
thought, and action, living a
consistently conscientious life] is
righteous, even as He is
8 [But] he who commits sin [who
practices evildoing] is of the
devil [takes his character from
the evil one] , for the devil has
sinned (violated the divine law)
from the beginning. The reason the Son of God was made
manifest (visible) was to undo
(destroy, loosen, and dissolve)
the works the devil [has done]. 
9 No one born (begotten) of God
[deliberately, knowingly, and
habitually] practices sin, for
God’s nature abides in him [His
principle of life, the divine
sperm, remains permanently
within him]; and he cannot
practice sinning because he is
born (begotten) of God. 10 By
this it is made clear who take
their nature from God and are
His children and who take their
nature from the devil and are
his children: no one who does
not practice righteousness [who
does not conform to God’s will in
purpose, thought, and action] is
of God; neither is anyone who
does not love his brother (his
fellow believer in Christ)." ( 1 Jn.
3:4-10, AMP )
Some may say, "What does this mean for the Christians that may fall into rebellion, are they really a true born-again believer or a misnomer?" True believers do fall at certain points in their life. This has happened to David, Peter, myself, and many other faithful
people of God throughout the centuries. "The marks of a true believer will stand true compared to those of a poser. Though a true believer will fall---i.e. to certain temptations (lust, anger, pride, self-righteousness, etc) or at worse into temporary rebellion---they will get back up again just as the Bible says- Prov. 24:16 , Ps. 37:23- 24 . Repentance is ever present with a true believer, but not so with a poser."**

Can There Be...
So, can there be a "gay Christian"? Yes, a true born-again believer can "struggle" with homosexuality. Yes, true born-again believers can fall to temporary rebellion in a homosexual relationship the same way one can fall to temporary rebellion in a heterosexual relationship. But repentance (an evidence of the Holy Spirit) will be ever present with a true believer for the Holy Spirit's role is to convict and sanctify believers, and complete His good work ( Gal. 5:17 , Phil. 1:6, 1 Thess. 5:23-24). However, to claim or sincerely believe oneself to be gay (and/or believe you were born that way) and to be living in/presumptuously practicing a homosexual "lifestyle", the answer is no , a true born again believer cannot be a "gay Christian". To claim to be a "gay Christian" (not a Christian struggling with homosexuality) would be equivalent to someone claiming to be a Christian Muslim or a Christian Satanist, it's oxymoronic. Two opposing identities cannot coexist as one
agreeable identity, that is schizophrenia. It is God's will that His born-again children be pure
from sexual immorality, and anyone who rejects this rejects God (1 Thess. 4:1-8 ). You cannot be a "gay Christian".

I believe we have drifted too far from clearly understanding the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus, because of His amazing grace and unconditional love for His creation, came (when He didn't have to) into His creation to be crucified for God-hating, God-rejecting, rebellious, self-centered, and sinful humankind---that's all of us, no one is a good person in God's eyes, we're all sinners deserving of His judgment regardless of any "good things" we may do. Jesus received the full weight of God's righteous fury for our sin, that eternal wrath we all deserve. He didn't simply give His life for His enemies as an act of chivalry, He sacrificially stood in the place of His enemies' deserved eternal punishment. Think about that....He jumped in the electric chair for---murderers, rapists, molesters, that is what every sinner is , we're all the vilest things you can think of---us who deserved to be in the electric chair, while we're all spitting at Him and ridiculing Him and screaming at Him telling Him to move out the way and mind His business..."this is my life, I'm the only 'god' around here, I can live and do as I please", He was willingly strapped in and electrocuted (without limitations) for us. He became our sin for us, our scapegoat. Then, after being crucified and receiving the fullness
of God's righteous fury for His enemies sin, He conquered death for those same enemies/ sinners by rising from the dead. But only those who recognize their sinful and unrighteous standing before God and sincerely believe and trust in what Jesus did for them will be rescued/saved from this righteous fury of God on sin. This gospel is the power of God unto salvation! One cannot say they believe this and not be changed ( 1 Pet. 1:13-25 ).

Choose Your Destination
So here's where we land...
1. If you are a professing or closet homosexual, this is your destination...a one- way trip to God's righteous wrath for eternity. If you die today you will find yourself in the face of God's judgment, unless you repent and believe (Jn. 3:36, 1 Cor. 6:9, Eph. 5:5 , Rev. 21:8 ). I hope and pray that you do.
2. If you are a professing or closet homosexual who believes you are a Christian, it is a psychotic*** thing to believe that you truly understand this reality of sin, sin's eternal penalty, Jesus redeeming you from sin's penalty and power, and the Holy Spirit which raised Jesus from death living within you and making you a new creation, and still believe or claim to be gay and live that lifestyle ( Rom. 6:1-23 , Gal. 5:19-21 ). You my friend are deceived and are destined for God's righteous wrath for eternity. If you die today you will find yourself in the face of God's judgment, unless you repent and believe (Jn. 3:36, 1 Cor. 6:9, Eph. 5:5 , Rev. 21:8 ). I hope and pray that you do too.
3. For my brethren who are struggling with homosexuality, remind yourself daily of the gospel which saved your souls, remind yourself what He did to save you and why He saved you, cry out to the Holy Spirit to give you a desire for His desires and to break you and make you more into His likeness by any means necessary, immerse yourself in His Word and prayer, and also connect with other mature believers who have experienced consistent victory in this struggle. Do not allow this struggle to pimp you out like it did before your were redeemed. You have the power and presence of the Holy Spirit within you, and you have been called to sanctification. You run and fight until exhaustion for the glory of your risen King and what you know is laid up for you (1 Cor. 6:18-20 ; 9:24-27, 2 Cor. 5:9-10 ; 6:14-7:1).

I know some will not like what I have written. I'm sure some may label it hate speech, and say I'm being intolerant, judgmental, and a fundamentalist. But I call this article "love speech", because I love you enough to tell you the truth. And if I am intolerant, my intolerance is toward the deception of the sin not you personally. I want you to be rescued from your sin, and bondage, and deception. I am not passing judgment either, I have no reason to judge nor am I the Judge, I'm simply explaining the truth. If you feel judged, then the truth is that which judges you not me (Jn.12:48 ). Also, I know some may say, "God is love and well God loves me and accepts me just the way I am. "And to you I say, yes, God is love, but God is holy love not unholy love. And yes He does love you, but He loves you to the point of transforming you into His likeness. God's holy love cannot nor will not allow you or enable you to remain the same sinful, rebellious enemy He was crucified for. God's holy love was the motivation which poured out His righteous wrath on His Son for your sin, not so you can continue to live in that sinful lifestyle and use His love as a justification for it ( Jn. 3:16-21 ). That is a lie and it will cost you your eternity believing it. Repent and believe the truth.

I hope this article has answered this question clearly, concisely (ok, maybe not concisely), and biblically. I hope I have helped believers and seekers out there know the true biblical answer to this question.

* Christopher B. Davis www.biblicallyshaped.com
*1. Schizophrenic, in general usage, is a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.
**2. Discipleship State of Mind , p. 114
***3. Psychotic: denoting or suffering from psychosis---a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that
contact is lost with external reality.

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My Top 5 favorite songs for the month of August.

The month of August have been great (recovering from a life after school shock....lols) I thank God, I actually prepared for it though but we all know God have the final say in our lives, we give Him praise. Stand up (you, yes you) a 10min praise for Jehovah....just kidding, do give praise everyday at all times its very important.

Ok, lets get to today's business on round table lounge, my top favorite songs (i can play the songs a million times and still not get tired especially for the message they convey).

1. Sinach - I Know Who I Am
I love this song for so many reasons. The message, the Spiritual energy, the tempo and rhythm of the song (on point).
If you have ever listened to the song you will agree with me, if you haven't, try download the song.
Its also my favorite because it was our anthem in my final year days in school (lols...i just graduated oh), there's this part of the song that makes me go gaga, it goes "take a look at me am a wonder, it doesn't matter what you see now, cos in His glory I know who I am"

2. Tedashi - He Lives
Tedashi took it to the next level with this song. I played the song everyday for two weeks at least 10 times (yeah! Is that bad).
This the type of song you listen to when you feel all around you is dead, reminds you Jesus lives and conquered death (10/10).

3.  Deitrick Haddon - Have your way
This is the type of song that can break you down in tears and same time lift you up especially if you going through struggles on your faith.
There is this part of the song I love so much, Deitrick said "I Don't care what people think Lord I need help, they can't put me in a heaven or a hell"
Lovely piece I must say.

4. Trip Lee - For my good ft Jai
You are a lover of slow rap, you will enjoy this classic song as much as I did.
From his recent album THE GOOD LIFE, this song reminds us of Gods promise that He will work everything for our good.
A great song to start each day. Feels good knowing everything is working for our good. Isn't it?

5. Spokesman - Breakable
As far as I am concern for now, this is one of best gospel rap minister in Nigeria (am not his manager oh).
I loovveee this track (its so on point, message crystal clear, i even have to stress the love...lols). It reverence Jesus as  King and Savior. Part of the chorus goes like "....breakable I, am the spirit that is contrite, when am weak you'll giving me your own might" something more interesting he said "...we can sound like Christian on facebook, but you know our heart Lord, you Know how the faith looks" (did i hear you say Lord have mercy? Yeah! We need God's mercy).

That's it on my top favorite songs for this month, looking forward to next month (happy new month in advance in case i forget).
Love you... Stay positive. Safe

P. S- Please feel free to share your own list songs for this month in the comment box.

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The way to a woman's heart

Guys, it's true that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but to a woman's heart? ( I bet you have a little clue).
I know you thinking of flowers, gifts and sweet words. Yeah! they are helpers, but they don't really do the magic, to get her to always want to have you around always.
The ability to keep a conversation afloat is good, real good, but if it lack one essential ingredient, the convo is going to crash (Dana airlines).

A new study has revealed that women prefer to date men who can make them laugh (hahahaha... Lolz)  owing to evolutionary differences hardwired into their brains.
Researchers discovered that women's brains show more heightened activity than men's in response to humour. #simple

Humour is the ingredient fellas ( I didn't say become a clown because you trying to win her heart).
Have you heard words like this before "I need a guy that will make me happy" "he always makes me smile" "he's fun to be around with" I bet you have.

It is believed that ladies use a man's ability to make them laugh as a way to judge his genetic fitness as a fitting husband and the prospective father of their children (geez! Women are complex, I can hear you say).

The study, which was carried out by Stanford University School of Medicine, comprised of scanning the brains of 22 girls and boys, between the ages of 6 and 13, while they viewed funny videos.
The study found that while watching the humorous clips, girls' brains showed more heightened activity than the boys.
Scientists said that their findings suggest selecting a mate by responding to humour is more effective in women "because the female brain, and particularly the reward circuit, is biologically better prepared to respond accordingly".

Gear up the humour level, there is a greater chance she will want you around always.

* The research was published in the journal Social Neuroscience.*

Murder, she wrote

Murder, she wrote.. 
Murder it was
Who was the victim?
Who was the killer?
Muder was all she could say
Muder, she wrote
The pain, the grief
The anguish, the atrocities
Seeing it before her eyes
Muder was all she could mummur
Muder, she wrote
As I watch the limb go num
Eyes go grey
Muder was all in she has in her heart.
- Solomon Annas